HTTP 500 Error (And How To Fix It)

Oh no! Did you get a 500 error on your favorite site? This is your favorite site, right?

What does this error mean?

The HTTP 500 error code is a generic message saying that something went wrong on the server side of things. The HTTP 500 error is commonly written as “HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error”, although it may have different names.

How do I fix this error? - A guide for site visitors

Like other errors that begin with the number five (As error codes that start with the number five are server errors), the issue will most likely need to be addressed by the website's owner/administrator. However, there are a few things that you can try (And if you are the administrator, see below).

  1. Refresh. This should always be the first thing you try when an error occurs on a website. Try a hard refresh with ctrl+F5 if you wish (It won’t do any harm, promise)!
    !IMPORTANT! - If you get this error while submitting an online order, take care not to submit your order multiple times! While many websites and companies have taken measures to protect against this, but it can (And does) still happen!
  2. Try again later. Coming back to the site at a later time may be the answer. The administrators of the website may be actively working to fix the issue, or it may just be temporary.
  3. Ask for help. If you are still stuck, try asking the owner of the website for some assistance, and make sure that they are aware of the issue. Many businesses are on social media, so you may be able to contact them that way if you wish.


How do I fix this error? - A guide for site owners

Is your blog (Or any site really) throwing a 500 error? Try making sure that everything is active and running (Perhaps restarting the server if you can). Also, check to make sure that you have not hit any limits, and you have paid all your bills. Since HTTP 500 errors are super vague, check everything you can think of on the server side. Your web hosting provider may also be able to help you out.

Final Summary

Hopefully you learned about this error and how to solve it! If you found an error in this article, or want to add something that we missed, please let us know! Have an amazing day, and don’t let these HTTP errors bring you down!


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