HTTP 408 Error (And How To Fix It)

Ah, the “Request Timed Out” error. This error occurs when the server did not send a response back to your browser within a certain amount of time.

What does this error mean?

This error is most commonly caused by a bad internet connection, or an invalid URL. You can customize this error page on your website using .htaccess if you wish.

How do I fix this error?

  1. Like the others, refreshing should be the first thing you try. If the server was temporarily overloaded, it may not have had the chance to respond to you, so trying again may help.
  2. Check the URL. Did you get it correct? Try loading the website's homepage to see what happens.
  3. Check your internet connection. A tool such as can help you out with that.
  4. Try again later. If lot’s of people are visiting the website, or the site is temporarily having connection issues, coming back in a few hours may be the key to connecting successfully.
  5. Lastly, try contacting the site owner if everything above does not work. Be sure to fully explain the issue so they can help the best they can!

Final Summary

The request timed out error simply means that your computer could not establish a connection with the server, so it showed an error message instead. Hopefully this guide helped you figure out what went wrong!


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