HTTP 400 Error (And How To Fix It)

The HTTP 418 error is given when the server refuses to brew coffee, mainly because it calls itself a teapot Otherwise known as the Hypertext Coffeepot Protocol, this error code originated from Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as an April fools day prank in 1998. It’s real name is “HTTP Error 418: Not A Teapot”.

What does this come from?

The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) released the Hypertext Coffeepot Protocol in RFC-7168 (1998 and 2014).

How do I fix this error?

Since it is technically not an error in the first place, there is no way to solve it. However, some websites use it to block automated queries, and other things they don’t want to deal with. If you get this error on a website, it’s either fake, or a way for the site to tell you that it can’t (Or won’t) do what your asking of it.

Final Summary

Many developers were scrambling to add this into their website, and they were all getting frustrated at the lack of documentation and details about it. The fact that it was talking about a teapot did not help confusion either. When it was revealed that the whole thing was a prank, well, all we can say is that almost everyone was fooled. Enjoy!


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