Finding A Domain Name

From well-known companies like to lesser-known websites like the one you are currently visitng, a domain name is the start of everything. Domain names are key to people finding your website, so you must give careful consideration before buying one. Let’s jump in!

Finding the Perfect Domain Name

Finding the perfect domain name can be a hard task. You want it to line up with your brand, you want it easy to market, as well as easy to remember, but you don't want it to destory your life savings either. You want your domain name to be something that people will remember, but not something so common that everything related to it is taken. When choosing a domain name, there are a lot of things you should consider, below here are a few of them. Note that this is not a complete list, as everyone has different priorities, these are simply the most common, or most important in my own opinion. Feel free to disagree!

Where Should I Buy my Domain?

There are many places you can buy domain names, just make sure the domain registrar is ICANN certified! If you don’t want to spend your precious time searching for one, NameCheap and NameSilo are two amazing options to get the cheapest price and best support. If you don’t have money in the bank, you can also get a free domain name. These free domain names are not always the best for SEO, but they will be able to work until you get your first sale.

1.Easy to remember. This is arguably the most important. Are your visitors able to remember better than You want a domain that your visitors can remember, after all, it may keep them coming back!

2.Easy to type. Does your business advertise with physical marketing (Posters, business cards, billboards, etc.)? If so, you want your domain to be easy to type. Some companies have a separate domain from physical marketing, that just redirects to their main site. Here is an example: The domain is shown on physical advertisements, while the real domain is If you only want to manage one domain, make sure it is short and sweet!

3.Meaningful. If your company sells donuts, you don’t want your domain to be! Enough said, I’m getting hungry.

4.TLD. TLD stands for Top Level Domain, and it is the last part of your domain name (Whatever comes after the dot). This is commonly .com .net or .org, but there are over 1,500 to choose from! .com .org or .net may be the best for your business since they are known and trusted around the world. Get creative wirh yoir choice if you want!

5.Pronunciation. While may be easy to remember and type, someone will have a hard time pronouncing it. This can lead to fewer word-of-mouth recommendations, which are honestly the best type! This also includes special characters like dashes, so just stick to letters and numbers if you want this type of marketing!

6.Trademarked. Does someone already own the legal rights of the domain you wish to use? You don’t want to get yourself into a legal mess! Tools like Justia or Knowme can help you out.

7.Confusion. Make sure your future name won’t get mixed up with others! may be commonly confused with, and customers might type the wrong thing, losing your buisness, so keep it unique!

8.Availability. Obviously, the best name idea ever won’t help you if the domain is already taken. Although you could just choose a different TLD (Extension), it may be best to just move on.


How do I get the best price?

Pricing is something many people worry over. You could spend weeks comparing the prices from every domain provider, only to have the prices change when you go to actully buy one! Thankfully, keeps a live updating page with the prices of almsot every single TLD! All you have to do is visit their website, and punch in the TLD you are looking for. You will get back a list of the cheepest providers. Even better, it is 100% free. I sound like a commerical, don't I?


Hopefully, you learned (Or refreshed your memory on) something today. If you have a question, feel free to comment or contact us! Best of luck on your path forward.


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